Fluorescent Liquids with Built-In UV Light
A set of permanently mounted vials of liquids which fluoresce brilliantly under ultraviolet light. They illustrate the absorption of energy at one frequency (UV) and the re-radiation of that energy at a different but visible frequency.
The demonstrator presents five vials of liquids which fluoresce when illuminated by the built-in ultra-violet light. Energy from the UV light is absorbed by the dissolved particles and is then re-radiated at a longer wave-length in the visible spectrum.
The salts and dyes included are quinine sulfate, rhodamine B, rhodamine 6G, fluorescein and household detergent. MSDS are included even though the amount of material is extremely small.
The UV light is created by an array of special LEDs housed directly under the vials. The set must be plugged into an electrical outlet. An on-off line switch is added for control.
This product cannot be shipped during the winter months because of the risk of freezing.
This product is not available for 220 v.