US DH-81 Sampler All Plastic (DS)(NR)

This is a NON-RETURNABLE ITEM. See Terms & Conditions for more info. You will be required to approve Terms & Conditions at checkout. Approval acknowledges your acceptance of this item being non-returnable. The US DH-81 Sampler is available in both non-metallic and Fluoropolymer (PTFE)/FEP varieties. One shown here is the non-metallic. Both units contain a 1L sampling bottle, 1/4" nozzle, and a 3ft wading rod. The wading rod on the Fluoropolymer (PTFE) model is plastic-covered. Extensions for wading rods are also on-hand. Other configurations of this sampler are available, please call for details and pricing on the Fluoropolymer (PTFE) model.